Pavel Durov criticized Apple for a 30 percent commission in the App Store

The founder of the social network VKontakte and the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov accused the American technology corporation Apple of monopoly and pumping money out of its customers. He published the corresponding message on his channel in Telegram. Durov explained how in his opinion affects users of Apple products with a 30 percent fee that the company charges app developers for purchases in the App Store. It is worth noting that earlier Durov already criticized Apple for a 30 percent commission, calling it destructive for startups and entire industries. Now Durov has listed seven reasons why, he believes, the Apple commission in the App Store should worry each owner of the iPhone. Durov believes that all smartphone owners from Apple overpay for all applications and digital purchases. The fact is that Apple products are sold with a fantastic mark-up, the company takes several hundred dollars more from users than the cost of the smartphone itself. At the same time, users must further pay for certain applications. In other words, you continue to pay after you have paid, writes Durov. Another reason Apple censored applications. If the application developers did not pay a 30 percent tax, then the application in the App Store will be hidden and the user will not even know that it is hidden by Apple's decision. The next reason is privacy issues. To install apps on iPhone, you must create an account in the App Store. All apps and notifications from them are linked through this account, which allows Apple to track user activity. Apple uses the link to its account to sell 30 percent tax, he explains. The result you pay with your personal information for their greed, writes Durov. Another reason for the delay in updating applications. If application developers have updated it, users of Apple products can get an update sometimes in a few days, and sometimes in a few weeks, only because Apple moderators delay the distribution of updates for no apparent reason. Apple's 30 percent tax slows down the development of applications, as many app companies have very little revenue and cannot get funds for development, and some companies simply did not appear because of Apple's policy. There are those who went bankrupt. To cover the costs, application developers are forced to put more advertising in them, and sometimes just trade user data. Durov blames the same 30 percent tax on Apple for this. In general, such a policy of Apple creates an environment in which low-quality applications begin to appear, since developers simply have nowhere to take money to modernize them, Apple takes all the profits.


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